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More on shooting at 1000 yards!!

Hey fellow shooters. went to the NC State Long Range Championship and the shooting was really interesting. Greg Denekamp won the NC State Championship in F-TR with a 776/24X by shooting scores in the 190's every match. Just astounding how those guys produce those scores with a .308. This is really fun shooting and I wish more people would get involved. Robert Herring won F-Open with a 783/28X. Not sure what he was shooting but it was an F-Open gun I'm sure. Here is the link to the scoresheet for that weekend:

Here is the link to the North State Shooting Club website calendar:

You will have to copy paste them to your browser. Apparently I cannot hyperlink from this site. The season is finished and I do not see a new 2018 calendar yet but I'm sure it is coming. I am developing a .223 for Mid Range this year and hope to be more active there in 2018.

Ok, message me if you have any questions!!


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